感统系列:最常用三大系统 The Big Three Sensory Systems

发表时间:2022-07-31 10:38

The Tactile Sensory System is one of the earliest developed senses of the body. The skin is the largest and the most prevalent organ. The skin performs unique duties for the body. Most importantly, the skin protects and alerts us to danger and discriminates sensation with regard to location and identification.

The Proprioception Sensory System is the recognition and response to the body’s position in space with an internal feedback system using the position in space of the joints, tendons, and muscles. This sensory system allows the body to automatically react to changes in force and pressure given body movements and object manipulation.

The Vestibular Sensory System is the sense of movement and balance, using the receptors in the inner ear and allows the body to orient to position in space. The vestibular system is closely related to eye movements and coordination.

Remaining sensory systems Because the sensory system is so closely interacting, each of the systems work together and in a coordinated manner. The Big three sensory systems (tactile, proprioception, and vestibular) are powerhouses when it comes to energy level in kids. But the other sensory systems can have calming or alerting effects as well.

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