When Do Symbolic Play Skills Appear?发表时间:2019-10-12 13:45 符号游戏技巧何时出现? 象征性游戏技能通常出现在两到三岁之间 (5)。 然而,这种发展并不是突然发生的。 相反,它是一个循序渐进的过程,经过以下阶段 (6)。 1. 宝宝玩耍阶段(3至18个月) 大多数婴儿早在三个月大时就开始模仿声音、表情和动作 (7)。 这一重要的发展里程碑让他们做好观察、理解和跟随周围环境的准备 (4)。 但是,在这个年龄段,他们不能使用对象进行模仿。 在接下来的几个月里,他们的能力得到提高,到八个月大时,他们可以通过敲打和摇动玩具来模仿声音和发出声音。 他们也在熟悉人、物体/事物、想法和想法。 然后,当婴儿进入幼儿期时,他们进入了前符号游戏阶段。 2.前符号阶段(18至22个月) 在 18 到 22 个月之间,幼儿进入前符号游戏阶段,他们参与功能性游戏并模仿日常活动、日常活动或熟悉的人。 例如,蹒跚学步的孩子可能会像您为他们梳头一样梳理他们洋娃娃的头发,或者假装用杯子喝水并发出咕噜咕噜的声音。 因此,蹒跚学步的孩子会使用真实的物体或道具来代表另一个物体、事物或活动。 当他们接近两岁生日时,他们逐渐过渡到象征性游戏阶段。 这意味着现在蹒跚学步的孩子会更频繁地使用一个物体来代表另一个物体。 例如,蹒跚学步的孩子会用纸巾卷作为电话假装给某人打电话,或者像汽车一样在地板上跑一个街区。 3. 象征性游戏阶段(24 个月至 3.5 岁) 24 个月至 3.5 岁的幼儿可以按照计划和顺序的主题进行虚构游戏。 根据主题,他们为自己和他人分配角色。 此外,现在他们可以想象一个物体,并在实际物体不存在时在游戏中使用它。 例如,蹒跚学步的幼儿可能会将彩色磁铁当作披萨片,并假装将它们卖给他们的游戏伙伴(联想游戏)。 在此期间,大多数幼儿在玩耍时也开始使用情绪。 4.高级符号游戏阶段(4至6岁) 4 至 6 岁的儿童已经足够成熟,可以参与具有抽象主题的象征性游戏,例如海盗和超级英雄。 这些主题通常基于他们听说过但从未经历过的事件或事件。 因此,他们选择一个主题,然后利用他们的想象力和创造力围绕它编织一个故事。 然后,根据故事,他们为自己和他人分配角色/角色。 如果需要,他们会自己扮演多个角色。 为了向玩伴传达指示、想法和想法,他们现在使用口头和非口头交流线索。 例如,假装是商店收银员的孩子可能会告诉他们的朋友是顾客,并要求他们询问不同商品的价格。 Symbolic play skills appear typically between two and three years of age (5). However, this development doesn’t happen suddenly. Instead, it’s a gradual process that passes through the following stages (6). 1. Baby play stage (3 to 18 months) Most babies begin imitating sounds, expressions, and movements as early as three months of age (7). This important developmental milestone prepares them to observe, understand, and follow their surroundings (4). However, at this age, they can’t use objects for imitation. Over the next few months, their ability refines, and by eight months of age, they experiment with imitating sounds and making noises by banging and shaking toys. They are also familiarizing themselves with people, objects/things, ideas, and thoughts. Then, as the baby steps into toddlerhood, they enter the pre-symbolic play stage. 2. Pre-symbolic stage (18 to 22 months) Between 18 and 22 months, toddlers enter the pre-symbolic play stage, where they participate in functional play and mimic routine, everyday activities, or familiar people. For instance, toddlers may brush their doll’s hair as you do theirs or pretend to drink from a cup and make slurping noises. Thus, a toddler will use a real object or prop to represent another object, thing, or activity. By the time they approach their second birthday, they gradually transition to the symbolic play stage. It means now the toddler will use one object to represent another object more frequently. For instance, a toddler will use a paper towel roll as a phone and pretend to call someone, or race a block on the floor like a car. 3. Symbolic play stage (24 months to 3½ years) Toddlers between 24 months to 3½ years engage in make-believe play with a planned and sequenced theme. As per the theme, they assign roles to themselves and others. Additionally, now they can imagine an object and use it in the play when the actual object is absent. For instance, a toddler may treat colorful magnets as pizza slices and pretend to sell them to their play companion (associative play). Most toddlers also begin using emotions while playing during this period. 4. Advanced symbolic play stage (4 to 6 years) Children between four and six years are mature enough to participate in symbolic play with abstract themes, such as pirates and superheroes. These themes are usually based on events or incidents that they have heard but never experienced. Hence, they pick a theme and then weave a story around it using their imagination and creativity. Then, based on the story, they assign roles/characters to themselves and others. If needed, they would perform multiple roles themselves. To convey instructions, thoughts, and ideas to play companions, they now use verbal and non-verbal communication cues. For instance, a child pretending to be a cashier in the shop might say to their friend to be the customer and ask them to inquire about different items’ prices. |