IEP 目标(英文)

发表时间:2019-10-12 13:48

1. Abstract thinking: The student will develop abstract thinking skills to understand and apply concepts or ideas that are not concrete or directly observable.
2. Adaptive equipment and strategies: The student will learn to use adaptive equipment or strategies to accommodate physical or cognitive challenges and maximize independence in daily activities.
3. Assistive technology: The student will learn to utilize assistive technology devices or software to enhance access to educational materials and promote independence in academic tasks.
4. Attention (auditory): The student will actively listen and comprehend verbal instructions or information without getting distracted, such as following a series of multi-step directions.
5. Attention (details): The student will increase accuracy and minimize errors in assignments or tasks that require close observation or precision, such as completing science experiments or art projects with attention to detail.
6. Attention (divided): The student will successfully multitask or shift focus between two or more tasks, such as listening to instructions while organizing materials.
7. Attention (flexibility): The student will adapt to changes in the environment or task demands without becoming overwhelmed or losing focus, such as smoothly transitioning between different subjects during the school day.
8. Attention (groups): The student will actively participate and contribute relevant ideas or responses without being distracted by peers or environmental stimuli, such as actively engaging in a classroom discussion.
9. Attention (selective): The student will effectively filter out irrelevant distractions and maintain focus on a specific task, such as ignoring background noise while working on a writing assignment.
10. Attention (sustained visual): The student will maintain visual focus on written material or visual aids for a specified duration, such as tracking a line of text while reading for 10 minutes.
11. Attention (sustained) : The student will reduce off-task behaviors, such as daydreaming or getting up from their seat without permission, and maintain focus on independent assignments.
12. Attention (task completion): The student will stay focused and persevere through assignments or activities until they are finished, such as completing a math worksheet without getting off task or seeking frequent breaks.
13. Auditory memory: The student will enhance auditory memory skills to retain and recall auditory information, such as following multi-step directions or remembering verbal instructions.
14. Auditory processing: The student will enhance auditory processing skills to accurately process and interpret auditory information, such as following instructions or classroom discussions.
15. Bilateral coordination: The student will enhance bilateral coordination skills to effectively use both hands together during tasks such as cutting with scissors, buttoning, or tying shoelaces.
16. Classroom participation: The student will increase active engagement and participation in classroom activities, including group discussions, collaborative projects, and following classroom routines.
17. Cognitive skills: The student will improve cognitive skills, such as memory, problem-solving, or critical thinking, to support academic learning and problem-solving abilities.
18. Collaborative problem-solving: The student will actively engage in collaborative problem-solving activities with peers, brainstorming solutions, sharing ideas, and working together towards a common goal.
19. Community integration: The student will enhance community integration skills to participate in community outings, field trips, or vocational experiences, promoting functional independence.
20. Community resources: The student will explore and utilize community resources, such as libraries, museums, or recreational facilities, to support learning, social participation, and leisure engagement.
21. Emotional expression: The student will learn appropriate ways to express emotions, such as through verbal communication, art, or journaling, to promote emotional expression and communication.
22. Emotional regulation during peer interactions: The student will develop strategies for emotional regulation specifically during peer interactions to manage frustration, disappointment, or conflict in social situations.
23. Emotional regulation during sensory overload: The student will develop strategies for emotional regulation specifically during sensory overload situations, such as crowded environments or noisy settings.
24. Emotional regulation during test-taking: The student will develop strategies for emotional regulation specifically during test-taking situations to manage test anxiety and optimize performance.
25. Emotional regulation in transitions: The student will develop strategies for emotional regulation specifically during transitions between activities, classes, or environments to manage anxiety or frustration.
26. Emotional regulation: The student will develop emotional regulation strategies to identify and manage emotions appropriately, supporting emotional well-being and social interactions.
27. Emotional resilience: The student will develop emotional resilience skills to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to challenges, and maintain a positive attitude towards learning and personal growth.
28. Environmental adaptations: The student will benefit from environmental adaptations, such as seating modifications, visual schedules, or sensory supports, to optimize their access and participation in the classroom.
29. Environmental organization: The student will benefit from environmental organization strategies to maintain an organized and structured learning environment that supports their attention and productivity.
30. Executive functioning: The student will enhance executive functioning skills, such as organization, time management, and planning, to facilitate successful completion of academic tasks and assignments.
31. Expressive language skills: The student will improve expressive language skills, including sentence formation, vocabulary usage, and storytelling abilities, to enhance communication in academic and social settings.
32. Fine motor coordination for handwriting: The student will improve fine motor coordination specifically for handwriting tasks, including letter formation, spacing, and legibility.
33. Fine motor dexterity: The student will improve fine motor dexterity skills to manipulate small objects, use tools, or engage in activities that require precise hand movements.
34. Fine motor skills: The student will develop finger strength and dexterity to manipulate clothing fasteners, such as buttons, zippers, snaps, or shoelaces, independently in 8 out of 10 dressing tasks.
35. Fine motor skills: The student will develop precision and coordination in using scissors to accurately cut along straight, curved, and zigzag lines, in 9 out of 10 cutting tasks.
36. Fine motor skills: The student will enhance finger isolation and control to manipulate individual small objects or buttons independently, in 7 out of 10 opportunities.
37. Fine motor skills: The student will enhance their ability to manipulate small objects using a pincer grasp, such as picking up and sorting small beads, coins, or buttons, in 9 out of 10 opportunities.
38. Fine motor skills: The student will improve eye-hand coordination and accuracy in activities such as catching and throwing a ball, hitting a target, or playing a tabletop game, in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
39. Fine motor skills: The student will improve fine motor skills to independently manipulate writing tools, such as pencils or pens, and demonstrate improved legibility in written work.
40. Fine motor skills: The student will improve hand strength and dexterity to enhance their ability to manipulate small objects, such as using tweezers or tongs, in 9 out of 10 opportunities.
41. Fine motor skills: The student will improve hand-eye coordination and control while using various art materials, such as drawing, painting, or coloring, to create age-appropriate artwork, in 8 out of 10 artistic tasks.
42. Fine motor skills: The student will refine their grasp and control while using utensils during self-feeding, demonstrating appropriate scooping, cutting, and bringing food to their mouth, in 9 out of 10 meals.
43. Fine motor skills: The student will refine their hand manipulation skills to complete age-appropriate fine motor activities, such as threading beads, building with blocks, or completing puzzles, in 9 out of 10 opportunities.
44. Fine motor skills: The student will refine their pencil grasp and control to write legibly with appropriate letter formation and spacing, in 8 out of 10 writing assignments.
45. Following multi-step directions: The student will improve the ability to follow multi-step directions accurately and independently in various academic and classroom contexts.
46. Graphomotor skills: The student will improve graphomotor skills, such as handwriting or drawing, to enhance legibility, letter formation, and fine motor control.
47. Gross motor skills: The student will develop their ability to kick a ball with control and accuracy, demonstrating improved lower limb strength and coordination, in 9 out of 10 attempts.
48. Gross motor skills: The student will develop their ability to ride a tricycle or bicycle with training wheels, demonstrating improved leg strength, coordination, and balance, in 9 out of 10 opportunities.
49. Gross motor skills: The student will enhance gross motor skills to participate in physical education classes and outdoor activities with improved coordination and balance.
50. Gross motor skills: The student will enhance their ability to jump with both feet off the ground and land with control, demonstrating improved lower limb strength and coordination, in 9 out of 10 attempts.
51. Gross motor skills: The student will enhance their ability to perform age-appropriate gross motor movements, such as hopping, skipping, or galloping, demonstrating improved rhythm, coordination, and balance, in 8 out of 10 attempts.
52. Gross motor skills: The student will enhance their overall endurance and physical fitness by engaging in activities that promote cardiovascular health, such as jogging, dancing, or participating in structured physical education classes, for a specified duration, in 9 out of 10 opportunities.
53. Gross motor skills: The student will enhance their throwing and catching skills, demonstrating improved upper limb strength, coordination, and hand-eye coordination, in 8 out of 10 attempts.
54. Gross motor skills: The student will improve their balance and coordination to walk on a straight line, navigate obstacles, or negotiate stairs independently, in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
55. Gross motor skills: The student will improve their bilateral coordination and upper body strength to engage in activities such as crawling, climbing, or navigating playground equipment, in 9 out of 10 opportunities.
56. Gross motor skills: The student will improve their body awareness and motor planning skills to participate in games or activities that require directional changes, spatial awareness, or following a sequence of movements, in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
57. Gross motor skills: The student will improve their running skills, including speed, endurance, and proper arm swing, to participate in running-based activities or games, in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
58. Hand-eye coordination: The student will enhance hand-eye coordination skills to accurately coordinate hand movements with visual input during activities such as catching or throwing a ball.
59. Handwriting skills: The student will develop letter slant skills to consistently write letters with a slight forward or backward slant, maintaining consistency throughout their written work.
60. Handwriting skills: The student will develop size consistency skills to maintain consistent letter size, both within and between words, ensuring legibility and visual coherence.
61. Handwriting skills: The student will enhance alignment skills to consistently place letters on the baseline, ensuring a neat and organized appearance of written work.
62. Handwriting skills: The student will enhance grip and pencil control skills, promoting a functional grasp and appropriate pressure on the writing utensil for improved letter formation and overall handwriting quality.
63. Handwriting skills: The student will improve letter formation skills to accurately write uppercase and lowercase letters with correct stroke sequence and direction.
64. Handwriting skills: The student will improve overall neatness and legibility of written work, focusing on consistent letter size, spacing, alignment, and clarity of letter formation.
65. Handwriting skills: The student will improve spacing skills to consistently leave appropriate spaces between words, allowing for clarity and ease of reading.
66. Handwriting skills: The student will increase writing speed and fluency, allowing for faster and more efficient written expression without sacrificing legibility or accuracy.
67. Handwriting skills: The student will learn and practice cursive handwriting skills, including connecting letters, forming loops, and maintaining proper flow and rhythm.
68. Handwriting skills: The student will refine handwriting skills to produce written work that is neat, legible, and consistently aligned with age-appropriate standards.
69. Handwriting skills: The student will refine letter shape skills to accurately produce letters with proper proportions, angles, and curves, improving overall letter legibility.
70. Inclusive play: The student will actively participate in inclusive play activities, where they can engage with peers of different abilities, promoting social interaction, empathy, and understanding.
71. Inhibitory control: The student will enhance inhibitory control skills to resist impulsive behaviors, follow rules, and maintain appropriate behavior in the classroom.
72. Motor coordination: The student will enhance motor coordination skills to participate in physical activities, such as sports or recess, with increased accuracy and fluidity of movements.
73. Motor planning: The student will enhance motor planning skills to effectively plan and execute sequential movements, such as putting on clothes, using utensils, or navigating through obstacles.
74. Multisensory learning: The student will engage in multisensory learning activities to enhance learning and retention of information through the integration of visual, auditory, and tactile modalities.
75. Oral motor skills: The student will improve oral motor skills to support speech and language development, articulation, or feeding skills.
76. Oral presentation skills: The student will enhance oral presentation skills, including clear articulation, volume control, and maintaining eye contact, to effectively communicate ideas in front of peers or teachers.
77. Peer collaboration: The student will engage in peer collaboration activities, such as group projects or cooperative learning, to foster teamwork, cooperation, and shared problem-solving skills.
78. Peer conflict resolution: The student will learn and apply strategies for peer conflict resolution, such as active listening, compromise, or negotiation skills, to resolve conflicts peacefully.
79. Peer feedback: The student will actively seek and provide constructive feedback to peers during group projects or collaborative tasks, fostering a supportive learning environment.
80. Peer interactions: The student will enhance peer interaction skills, such as sharing, taking turns, or collaborating, to promote positive social relationships and inclusiveness.
81. Peer mentoring: The student will participate in peer mentoring programs, where they can serve as mentors
82. Peer support: The student will participate in peer support programs, where they can receive support from classmates or serve as a support system for peers with similar challenges.
83. Personal space awareness: The student will develop personal space awareness skills to understand appropriate boundaries and respect personal space of others during social interactions.
84. Perspective-taking: The student will enhance perspective-taking skills to understand and consider the viewpoints and feelings of others, promoting empathy and positive social interactions.
85. Phonics and phonological awareness: The student will develop phonics and phonological awareness skills, including letter-sound recognition, blending, or segmenting, to support reading and spelling abilities.
86. Pragmatic language skills: The student will improve pragmatic language skills, including turn-taking, topic maintenance, and understanding social cues, to enhance social communication in various contexts.
87. Pre-vocational skills: The student will develop pre-vocational skills, such as time management, following workplace routines, or demonstrating appropriate work behavior, to prepare for future employment opportunities.
88. Pre-writing skills: The student will develop pre-writing skills, such as tracing lines, shapes, or patterns, to lay the foundation for letter formation and handwriting.
89. Problem-solving: The student will enhance problem-solving skills to independently identify solutions, make decisions, and overcome challenges encountered in academic and social contexts.
90. Reading comprehension: The student will improve reading comprehension skills, such as identifying main ideas, making inferences, or summarizing information, to enhance understanding of academic content.
91. Reading fluency: The student will improve reading fluency skills, including speed, accuracy, and prosody, to enhance reading comprehension and overall reading abilities.
92. Safety skills: The student will learn safety skills, including road safety, fire safety, or personal safety, to enhance awareness and make safe choices in various environments.
93. Self-advocacy in the classroom: The student will develop self-advocacy skills to communicate their needs, accommodations, or modifications with teachers and actively participate in their educational planning.
94. Self-advocacy skills: The student will develop self-advocacy skills to express their needs, seek assistance when necessary, and actively participate in their educational planning.
95. Self-care skills: The student will develop independence in self-care activities, such as dressing, grooming, and feeding, to promote greater participation and self-sufficiency in daily routines.
96. Self-initiation: The student will enhance self-initiation skills to independently start tasks or activities without constant prompts or reminders from teachers or caregivers.
97. Self-monitoring: The student will develop self-monitoring skills to assess their own performance, identify errors or areas of improvement, and make adjustments accordingly.
98. Self-regulation: The student will develop self-regulation strategies to manage emotions, impulses, and sensory needs to facilitate engagement and appropriate behavior in the classroom.
99. Sensory accommodations: The student will benefit from sensory accommodations in the classroom, such as noise-reducing headphones, visual schedules, or flexible seating options, to optimize their sensory environment.
100. Sensory diet: The student will implement a sensory diet, consisting of tailored sensory activities, to support self-regulation and attention throughout the school day.
101. Sensory discrimination: The student will improve sensory discrimination skills to differentiate and interpret sensory information, such as identifying textures, temperatures, or shapes through touch.
102. Sensory exploration and play skills: The student will actively engage in sensory exploration and play activities to promote sensory integration, creativity, and imaginative play.
103. Sensory modulation during mealtime: The student will improve sensory modulation skills during mealtime to tolerate different textures, tastes, or smells, promoting healthy eating habits and mealtime participation.
104. Sensory modulation: The student will improve sensory modulation skills to effectively respond to and regulate their responses to sensory stimuli in the environment.
105. Sensory processing: The student will improve sensory processing skills to effectively regulate responses to sensory stimuli, resulting in increased attention and engagement in the classroom.
106. Sensory regulation: The student will enhance sensory regulation skills to manage sensory sensitivities or sensory-seeking behaviors that may impact participation and attention in the classroom.
107. Sensory-based strategies: The student will learn and utilize sensory-based strategies, such as deep pressure input or fidget tools, to regulate sensory needs and promote attention and focus in the classroom.
108. Sensory-based transitions: The student will utilize sensory-based strategies to support transitions, such as incorporating movement breaks, deep pressure activities, or sensory fidgets during transitions.
109. Sequencing and organization: The student will improve sequencing and organization skills to arrange information or tasks in a logical order, enhancing problem-solving abilities and task completion.
110. Social participation: The student will increase social participation and engagement with peers during group activities, cooperative play, or structured social interactions.
111. Social problem-solving: The student will develop social problem-solving skills to analyze social situations, identify appropriate responses, and resolve conflicts effectively.
112. Social skills: The student will develop conflict resolution skills by using appropriate strategies, such as compromising, problem-solving, or seeking adult assistance, to resolve conflicts with peers, in 9 out of 10 conflict situations.
113. Social skills: The student will develop social skills, including initiating conversations, maintaining eye contact, or understanding social cues, to foster positive peer interactions and social relationships.
114. Social skills: The student will develop their ability to recognize and interpret social norms and expectations in different situations, demonstrating appropriate behavior and manners in various social settings, in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
115. Social skills: The student will develop turn-taking skills during group activities or games, waiting for their turn and appropriately sharing materials or responsibilities, in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
116. Social skills: The student will enhance their ability to interpret and understand nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice, to better comprehend and respond to social situations, in 9 out of 10 opportunities.
117. Social skills: The student will enhance their ability to recognize and respect personal space boundaries, demonstrating appropriate physical proximity to peers during interactions or group settings, in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
118. Social skills: The student will enhance their ability to work collaboratively in group settings, demonstrating effective teamwork, sharing responsibilities, and respecting others’ ideas and contributions, in 9 out of 10 group activities.
119. Social skills: The student will improve their ability to demonstrate active listening skills, such as making eye contact, nodding, and providing verbal or nonverbal feedback, in 9 out of 10 listening activities or conversations.
120. Social skills: The student will improve their ability to identify and express their emotions in a socially appropriate manner, using words or appropriate gestures to communicate their feelings, in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
121. Social skills: The student will improve their ability to initiate and engage in play interactions with peers, demonstrating sharing, cooperation, and imaginative play skills, in 9 out of 10 play situations or activities.
122. Social skills: The student will improve their ability to initiate and maintain conversations with peers by appropriately greeting, asking questions, and responding to conversation prompts, in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
123. Social skills: The student will enhance their ability to demonstrate empathy and perspective-taking by recognizing and understanding others’ feelings and experiences, and responding with kindness and support, in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
124. Social-emotional learning: The student will participate in social-emotional learning activities, such as mindfulness exercises, empathy-building activities, or conflict resolution strategies, to enhance emotional intelligence and social skills.
125. Spatial awareness: The student will improve spatial awareness skills to accurately perceive and navigate the physical space, including body awareness and spatial relationships.
126. Study skills: The student will learn effective study skills, such as note-taking, organization of materials, or test preparation strategies, to enhance academic performance and retention of information.
127. Technology skills: The student will develop technology skills, including keyboarding, accessing educational software, or utilizing assistive technology devices, to enhance digital literacy and access to educational resources.
128. Time management for homework completion: The student will enhance time management skills specifically for completing homework assignments, including setting priorities, estimating time, and staying on task.
129. Time management: The student will enhance time management skills to effectively allocate time for different tasks, assignments, and transitions throughout the school day.
130. Transition planning: The student will engage in transition planning activities to develop skills necessary for post-school settings, such as vocational training, higher education, or employment.
131. Transition skills: The student will develop motor planning skills to successfully transition between activities, by practicing specific movement sequences or using visual prompts to guide their actions, in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
132. Transition skills: The student will develop problem-solving skills to overcome challenges during transitions, by using strategies such as asking for help, seeking alternative solutions, or adapting to unexpected changes, in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
133. Transition skills: The student will develop transition skills, including managing changes in routines, transitioning between activities, or adapting to new environments, to promote smooth transitions throughout the school day.
134. Transition skills: The student will enhance executive functioning skills to independently initiate and complete transitions between activities, including gathering necessary materials and moving to the designated area, in 7 out of 10 opportunities.
135. Transition skills: The student will enhance self-regulation abilities to transition between activities calmly and without exhibiting disruptive behaviors, by utilizing deep breathing techniques or sensory self-regulation strategies, in 7 out of 10 opportunities.
136. Transition skills: The student will generalize transition skills across different environments and settings, by successfully transitioning between activities in various contexts, such as the classroom, therapy room, or community spaces, in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
137. Transition skills: The student will improve organizational skills to facilitate smooth transitions between activities, by using visual cues or checklists to plan and prepare for the next task, in 9 out of 10 opportunities.
138. Transition skills: The student will improve social skills during transitions, by appropriately interacting with peers and following social expectations, such as taking turns or waiting patiently, in 9 out of 10 opportunities.
139. Transition skills: The student will improve time management skills during transitions, by accurately estimating the time required for packing up and transitioning to the next activity, in 9 out of 10 opportunities.
140. Transition skills: The student will improve transition skills, including transitioning between activities or locations, to promote independence and successful navigation within the school setting.
141. Transition skills: The student will increase attention span during transitions, by engaging in a designated transition activity or following a transition routine without becoming distracted, for at least 80% of transition instances.
142. Transition skills: The student will independently transition between activities within the classroom setting, including packing up and moving to the next activity, within three minutes, in 8 out of 10 opportunities.
143. Typing skills: The student will demonstrate improved typing fluency by maintaining a consistent rhythm and flow in typing activities.
144. Typing skills: The student will develop finger placement and keyboarding technique to increase efficiency and reduce errors during typing tasks.
145. Typing skills: The student will enhance finger dexterity and coordination to facilitate fluid and smooth typing movements.
146. Typing skills: The student will enhance typing accuracy by reducing errors in typing, including correct spelling and punctuation.
147. Typing skills: The student will improve hand-eye coordination to accurately locate and press keys without visual reliance during typing activities.
148. Typing skills: The student will improve keyboard navigation skills, including locating and using function keys, arrows, and other essential keyboard shortcuts.
149. Typing skills: The student will increase independence in typing tasks by minimizing the need for visual prompts or assistance from others.
150. Typing skills: The student will increase typing speed to a specified words-per-minute (WPM) target, enabling more efficient written expression.
151. Typing skills: The student will learn and practice touch typing techniques to improve accuracy and speed in keyboarding tasks.
152. Typing skills: The student will transfer typing skills to real-life applications, such as word processing, email communication, and online research, for academic and functional purposes.
153. Visual closure skills: The student will improve visual closure skills to recognize and complete visual patterns or missing parts of visual stimuli, enhancing visual perception and problem-solving abilities.
154. Visual memory: The student will enhance visual memory skills to remember and recall visual information, such as spelling words or visual sequences.
155. Visual perception: The student will improve visual perception skills, such as visual discrimination or figure-ground skills, to accurately identify and interpret visual information in academic materials.
156. Visual tracking: The student will enhance visual tracking skills to smoothly and accurately follow lines of text during reading and improve reading fluency.
157. Visual-motor integration: The student will enhance visual-motor integration skills to accurately copy written material from the board or a source text onto their own paper.
158. Visual-spatial perception: The student will enhance visual-spatial perception skills to accurately perceive and interpret spatial relationships, such as understanding maps, graphs, or geometric shapes.
159. Vocabulary development: The student will improve vocabulary development, including understanding and using new words, to enhance communication and comprehension skills.
160. Work habits: The student will develop work habits, including task initiation, persistence, and completion, to improve productivity and follow-through on academic assignments.

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